Play of the Day: President Trump Says He Keeps His Promises

Maybe we should ask Melania Trump for confirmation.

According to reports, President Donald Trump is unhappy with Rudy Giuliani's appearances on TV recently. The Tonight Show's Jimmy Fallon joked about the news, implying Trump saw too much of himself in Giuliani's unhinged, off-script and damning appearances.

Trump pulled the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal on Tuesday, saying "When I make promises, I keep them." Late-night joked about his speech, with Jimmy Kimmel joking that "the one time Trump should've pulled out, he didn't and we ended up with Donald Jr." and Conan O'Brien joking that Trump, out of habit, paid Iran $130,000 after pulling out of the deal. Late Night's Seth Meyers joked about Trump's claim of keeping promises, saying "Melania laughed so hard, her mouth fell off" and Kimmel joked that anyone can ask all the women Michael Cohen paid hush money if Trump keeps his promises.

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